Make a last try. For the people who are losing the textures of the traffic: AM shows you all additional downloads. Anyone knows, is this still a problem with my computer, although I play it on the minimum settings and my computer is from the end of , or a problem with something else? You can look for additional information in the Readme. Did not find texture file "linienband2. omsi teltow 3.0

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The problem is very difficult. Did not find texture file "zielband1. Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.

Der AM zeigt dir auch alle Zusatzdownloads. When I checked my settings for the th time I saw that the unscheduled traffic was set atso I set to the recommended and I myself hat the problem that the cars on the road were losing its textures. Load settings from and set number of AI buses to pmsi Did not find texture file "texture.

omsi teltow 3.0

Es ist technisch bedingt, dass ich dieser Haltestelle keinen anderen Namen geben kann. Did you try reduced Fahrplanversion see readme? Did not find texture file "reifen. Hey I've not been able to play the map yet, as i keep getting the error "cannot find 03d file", I do have the NL bus, which plays fine on several other maps but not this one for some reason, any suggestion to fix this error?

Dabei liegen Ludwigsfelde und Teltow knapp km auseinander das ist echt nur ne Fiktive Map. If that doen't help, tell me. So this just might apply for you: At first I copy something form the readme for you: Did not find texture file "text.

Teltow v3.0

Es gibt durchgehend Hilfspfeile Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld. Your browser has JavaScript disabled.

Mehr Versionen kann es nicht mehr geben! Why should I download this map? You can look for additional information in the Readme.

omsi teltow 3.0

You are very lucky if Teltow runs without NLif not, its's getting complicated. Therefore read the part of NVidia no omsii what graphics card you have. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript.

Hier ist der Eintrag aus meinem Logfile. In the part "installing manually" there are 4 folders to copy. Did not find texture file ""!

Eventually some trees were losing their textures, as well as ai busses and also my own bus or slow loading textures. Did not find texture file "null. Warum soll ich die Map downloaden?

omsi teltow 3.0

If it is while loading, you should look at the readme. Thank you very much!

Teltow v - Page 26 - Real maps - Marcel's OMSI-Forum

Did not find texture file "linienband1. I've not been able to play the map yet, as i keep getting the error "cannot find 03d file", I do have the NL bus, which plays fine on several other maps but not this one for some reason, any suggestion to fix this error?

Is it while loading the map or when you place a new bus?


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